In a policy that can only be described as temporary insanity, the Government has announced Universtity tuition fees are to increase to £6,000 a year with an upper limit of £9,000… but only for the poor unfortunates who live in England.

Interest rates on student loans will also become more expensive.

Minister David Willetts told MPs this was a good deal for students and universities.


We wonder how much Mr Willets own education cost him?

At a time when the UKs manufacturing industries have been run-down by decades of under investment and unfair competition from the Far East, it seemed our best hope for future prosperity was to become a leader in so called “knowledge-based” industries. If we cannot compete in making “stuff” cheaply, we can at least design it. Sadly, today’s gaff has just torpedoed that ship before it left port.

Here is our radical suggestion for Mr Willets: Do we really need armies of experts in David Beckham, Media Studies, History of Art, Film Studies, Ufology etc….

Instead, why not set strategic national targets for the number of trained doctors, nurses, engineers, scientists, vets and other skilled professions, then offer these courses TOTALLY FREE until the targets are met.


Of course, Mr Willets could still charge what he likes for the other useless courses in order to pay for it.