Sure, we all get the need to reduce CO2 emissions as a necessary part of trying to head off runaway climate change. Of course, some do not believe it and of those that do many are not prepared to make meaningful changes in their lives.

So, what’s the other reason.. possibly much more immediate and less spoken about?

As recently as this summer Chris Huhne said the UK is “very likely” to face an energy crisis within the next decade

If the current coalition government’s Minister for Energy is making such worrying claims, shouldn’t we all sit up and take notice? Mr Huhne also said

What worries me…is that we’re moving from a world where the UK is dependent on imported energy for only 27% of our needs, to a world where it’s going to be anything from 46% to 58% within 10 years,”

Worse still when you factor in the geo-politics of oil and gas, large stocks of which tend to be held by politically unstable or even hostile nations.

Lastly, factor in “peak oil” where the world is coming ever closer to the point where half the total recoverable oil has already been pumped. How will the financial markets respond when its clear each year going forward, there will be less oil available than the last.

Energy experts all agree, investing heavily in energy efficiency and renewable sources of power is the only way to avoid such shocks.