Today’s Telegraph reports that the Centre for Policy Studies and the Institute of Economic Affairs have urged the Government to “stop building wind-farms and repeal (or suspend) the Climate Change Act”.

Instead they say the UK should pollute its way to economic recovery with another dash-for-gas combined with fracking and nuclear.

This is blatant short-termism at the expense of reducing CO2 emissions, increasing energy security and doing something about Climate Change.

Only last week investment into new wind turbine R&D and manufacturing facilities from Siemens and Doosan was put on hold pending the result of on-going reviews of the renewable subsidy policy. This on top of Vestas recent announcement to not proceed with their planned blade factory in Kent.

The Green Revolution has the same, if not greater potential, to create wealth as the .com era. Sadly if certain people get their way the UK will be relegated to nothing more than a reluctant customer.