Last week HM Gov released the consultation document for next found of Feed In Tariff ‘slashes’.

Clearly, this is now about saving money and no longer about encouraging the take-up of renewable technology. Specifically in the 100kW – 500Kw wind sector (although broadly true for higher) both the consultation and the research evidence (Parson Brinckerhoff) it cites admit that capex for larger wind is expected to continue to increase. This really should not be a surprise – wind turbines are large machines and require significant labour to put them up with no new “breakthrough” technology or mass production economies of scale around the corner. It is reasonable to expect iPods to get cheaper, but sadly not wind turbines.

In the summary of deployments so far, they note less than 15% of the predicted mid-wind installations were achieved. DECC suggest the reason wind targets have not been met are perhaps because land owners do not realise they can install wind turbines or fear it will make them too unpopular. How about, getting planning permission for wind turbines in this country is akin to playing the lottery but where the ticket can set you back £50,000 (often a lot more) and the draw might not be for 12 months.

When you dig a little deeper, the research that DECC undertook in order to determine future prices of wind turbines amounted to ringing a handful of micro-turbine suppliers for an informal quote. Pure genius.

So, given targets have not been met, and the costs are indeed rising – what DECC propose is staggeringly, breathtakingly stupid…. a 3.2p/kWh (15.5%) cut. Worse still  they further propose to reduce the tariff by a minimum 5% per year from 2014 onwards.

Collectively we in the West have polluted and poisoned for free, now its time to start paying for the clean up. If you want a green revolution – it does not come free.

In the past we have broadly supported the efforts of the Coalition Government, sadly they are no longer walking-the-walk, just talking-the-talk. Despite brave words from Cleggy & Davey the 101 Tories might have their wicked way after all.