The Guardian on Sunday reported that thousands of new jobs and over £500m of foreign investment is on hold after the Tory ‘Green Revolt’ from a few weeks ago.

In  addition, proposals to reduce Feed In Tariffs and previous cuts to the value of certificates awarded under the Renewables Obligation have added to the financial uncertainty.

As a result, proposed new developments including factories and R&D plants from several major manufacturers are now at risk pending reassurance from the Government that  they are not back tracking on previous commitments to a low carbon economy.

General Electric. £100m manufacturing plant “on hold”

Vestas. £???m. 2,000 jobs in a new Kent factory. “waiting to see”

Siemens. £210m + 700 jobs. “significant lack of enthusiasm”

Mitsubishi. £30m in R&D. “Commitment from Government is vital”

Well done Tories.