Why we MUST change

Today the BBC is reporting that 1/5th of all plant species are now endangered. A select list of some 10,000 or so endangered animal species are listed here - the actual number is much greater.

We are living through one of the largest extinction events our planet has known.

We consume, pollute, over fish, de-forest and generally destroy the environment without connecting our own long term survival to the health of the plant. Worse still we're generally not even bothered so long as the effects are felt far away.

If one day you are lucky enough to have grand children and they ask what you did to help save the planet - what will you tell them?

Castle Farm Gets More Press Coverage (UPDATED)


This week the Kent Messenger reported from the Parish Council planning meeting to discuss the scheme. Concerns were raised about possible damage to peoples health caused by low frequency noise (LFN) or infrasound. We have written to the KM pointing out that this work was largely discredited and that independent research commissioned by the DTI found no evidence for it. A detailed discussion on LFW can be found here

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Is Wind Really Very Inefficient?

This accusation that wind power is actually a rubbish source of renewable energy seems to never go away, so while not a full rebuttal, the figures for both Denmark and the UK are given blow plus the links to the original Government source documents.Read more

Forward Thinking Aberdeenshire

In January this year the Buchan Area Planning Committee in Aberdeenshire agreed on a 6 point approval policy for wind turbine applications stating:

"there was general support that there should be no limit to the size of turbine that could be considered for permission, in the light of the fact that technology has now moved on and we should be encouraging development by the most efficient means"Read more

Bere Regis Public Meeting (UPDATED)

As part of the pre-application planning process for the Rogershill Farm community project DistGen hosted a public exhibition on Tuesday 10th August at the Drax Hall, Bere Regis between 6.30 and 9.30pm with presentation/Q&A sessions at 6.30pm and 8pm.

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Planning Services for Community Wind Turbine Schemes

Through its own community projects DistGen has built up significant in-house capabilities in the following areas:

  • Feasibility studies including advice on policy (eg PPS22, ETSU-R-97, EIA etc) and wind turbine selection
  • Pre-application consultation
  • Planning application creation
  • Public exhibitions
  • Visual Impact Assessment (ZVI & Photo-montage) and Noise assessments using WindPro

If you require assistance with any of the above please contact us - we can offer you just the right level of support at a fraction of the usual cost. If you've been quoted £1000's for an initial survey or feasibility report - don't let your project stall, come and speak to us instead!
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If you support wind - write to your MP now!

Simon Reevell (Tory MP for Dewsbury) has put down an early day motion calling for a 1.5 mile "buffer zone" between houses and wind turbines. If this were to become law renewable power in the UK would pretty much STOP DEAD.

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East Farleigh & Coxheath Public Meetings (UPDATED)

Thursday evening saw approximately 30 villagers coming along to our public meeting with a mixed variety of views being expressed. On Friday we moved to Coxheath village hall with another 20 or so attendees. Both meetings had been publicised in local newspapers, Parish Council web sites and magazines plus the East Farleigh local news and Kent Messenger web sites. Slides from the main presentation can be found here.

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Lloyds of London - Prepare for Peak Oil Now

Interesting article in the Guardian over the weekend stressing the insurance giants view that we need to start preparing for the imminent arrival of peak oil... now. Among others, Lloyds quotes the famous US Dept of Energy report highlighting the economic chaos that would result from declining oil production as global demand continued to rise, recommending a crash programme to overhaul the transport system.Read more

Castle Farm in the Kent Messenger (UPDATED)

The Castle Farm Community project made news today with inclusion in the Kent Messenger newspaper. In a reasonably balanced article they provided some of the essential details of the scheme but left out a few key facts:Read more