2010 Sets new temperature records

BBC News Online has today reported research from climate scientists that shows 2010 to be one of the hottest on record. It goes on to say:

The two leading US analyses of global temperature show that up until the end of October, 2010 was the warmest year in the instrumental record going back to 1850.

Further, the top 10 years for warmest temperatures have all been since 2000. So while it may be freezing in the UK at this moment - we must not confuse "weather" with "climate".

Couldn't happen here?

BBC News Online reported yesterday on the Italian town of Tocco that has its own small wind farm of 4 turbines.

Thanks to the high wind resource and forward thinking of the local residents and officials the town now makes a profit from selling its electricity.

Local taxes have been abolished and services such as rubbish collection are heavily subsidised.

Sadly, this is unlikely to ever happen in the UK.
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JPA Brayton application rejected (UPDATED)

UPDATE 14/01/2011

An appeal against the recent decision by Allerdale District to reject the JPA Brayton application has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate.

With 80% of wind energy project appeals being successful we are naturally very hopeful that the project can proceed.

Citing effects on tourism, the application for a mid-size wind turbine was recently rejected by the Allerdale Planning Committee in Cumbria. This despite a recommendation to pass by the planning officer responsible.

Naturally we are disappointed the councillors chose to ignore the advice of the planning officer and give in to the handful of local objectors, however the application will now go to appeal - where 80 to 90% of wind turbine applications are successful.

On purely technical grounds the application is sound and we are confident the Government Inspectorate will concur.

Ironically, on the very subject of tourism, at a recent public enquiry in Cumbria a Government Inspector concluded:

“Concerns have been expressed about the possible impact of the turbines on tourism; but, despite the construction of wind farms in various parts of the country, there is no cogent evidence to show a resulting reduction in visitor numbers.  Indeed, Cornwall and Cumbria have the largest concentration of wind farms of any of the counties in England, yet, in both cases, the numbers of visitors attracted have increased since the turbines were erected …… It should also be noted that some respondents to the survey undertaken for the Cumbria Tourist Board considered that the wind farm would be an additional attraction.”

Richard Branson warns on peak oil

BBC Radio's Today programme today featured a report from ITPOES (the UK Industry Taskforce on Peak Oil and Energy Security) that includes the Virgin Group of companies:

The serious issues highlighted by the Gulf of Mexico spill serve to underline the vulnerable state of future oil supplies. The UK needs to prepare for an era of expensive oil, and this means we must step-up our commitment to reducing dependence on oil.

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Finally, proof that we are not alone.

After years of searching scientists have, they say, now discovered an exo-planet around the star Gliese 581 that has the right size and orbit to have both an atmosphere and liquid water.

Having found this one potentially life supporting planet, its probable that the floodgates will open to reveal many more. Its not too much of a stretch to imagine at least simple life forms being common place throughout the galaxy.

The bad news is that Gliese 581 is 20 light years away - so once we're done messing up our own planet there isnt much hope for starting on this one.

Castle Farm Gets More Press Coverage (UPDATED)


This week the Kent Messenger reported from the Parish Council planning meeting to discuss the scheme. Concerns were raised about possible damage to peoples health caused by low frequency noise (LFN) or infrasound. We have written to the KM pointing out that this work was largely discredited and that independent research commissioned by the DTI found no evidence for it. A detailed discussion on LFW can be found here

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Bere Regis Public Meeting (UPDATED)

As part of the pre-application planning process for the Rogershill Farm community project DistGen hosted a public exhibition on Tuesday 10th August at the Drax Hall, Bere Regis between 6.30 and 9.30pm with presentation/Q&A sessions at 6.30pm and 8pm.

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Planning Services for Community Wind Turbine Schemes

Through its own community projects DistGen has built up significant in-house capabilities in the following areas:

  • Feasibility studies including advice on policy (eg PPS22, ETSU-R-97, EIA etc) and wind turbine selection
  • Pre-application consultation
  • Planning application creation
  • Public exhibitions
  • Visual Impact Assessment (ZVI & Photo-montage) and Noise assessments using WindPro

If you require assistance with any of the above please contact us - we can offer you just the right level of support at a fraction of the usual cost. If you've been quoted £1000's for an initial survey or feasibility report - don't let your project stall, come and speak to us instead!
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East Farleigh & Coxheath Public Meetings (UPDATED)

Thursday evening saw approximately 30 villagers coming along to our public meeting with a mixed variety of views being expressed. On Friday we moved to Coxheath village hall with another 20 or so attendees. Both meetings had been publicised in local newspapers, Parish Council web sites and magazines plus the East Farleigh local news and Kent Messenger web sites. Slides from the main presentation can be found here.

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Lloyds of London - Prepare for Peak Oil Now

Interesting article in the Guardian over the weekend stressing the insurance giants view that we need to start preparing for the imminent arrival of peak oil... now. Among others, Lloyds quotes the famous US Dept of Energy report highlighting the economic chaos that would result from declining oil production as global demand continued to rise, recommending a crash programme to overhaul the transport system.Read more