After months of waiting we are delighted to announce the decision of the planning inspectorate regarding our application for a single mid-size wind turbine at Brayton Park, Aspatria

The appeal has been upheld and planning permission is thereby granted.

The inspector’s report notes that Allerdale Borough Council (ABC) refused planning permission despite a recommendation to pass from their planning officers. Instead they said the single turbine would cause unacceptable visual impact, noise and shadow flicker resulting in damage to the local landscape and tourism industry.

In awarding costs, inspector David Pinner found no evidence was provided by ABC concluding that:

The Council’s decision to refuse to grant planning permission was made in the absence of any empirical evidence to substantiate their concerns. To disregard their officers’ comprehensive analysis of the relevant issues under these circumstances amounted to unreasonable behaviour, causing the applicant unnecessary expense in having to pursue the matter to appeal. I conclude that a full award of costs is justified. The application therefore succeeds.

In a recent article it was leaked that Allerdale Borough Council has spent over £80,000 of tax payers money in the last five years alone fighting wind turbine planning appeals.

Distgen now has 3 fully consented sites, a further 4 currently in planning and many more in development.