Top 10 Wind Energy Myths… Busted!
Here are our favourite "wind myths" compiled from various sources including Renewable UK. For a very in-depth and well researched discussion of all the issues please take look at the recently published report by the Centre for Sustainable Energy.
Wind turbines are dangerous
Wind energy is a benign technology with no associated emissions, harmful pollutants or waste products. In over 25 years…
Castle Farm Gets More Press Coverage (UPDATED)
This week the Kent Messenger reported from the Parish Council planning meeting to discuss the scheme. Concerns were raised about possible damage to peoples health caused by low frequency noise (LFN) or infrasound. We have written to the KM pointing out that this work was largely discredited and that independent research commissioned by the DTI found no evidence for it. A detailed…
The Distributed Wind Farm (DWF)
Even though large scale wind generated electricity is now becoming commonplace, certain assumptions about how it is best delivered have become embedded in public consciousness. In some cases these underlying assumptions are accurate, in other cases they are misleading, even unhelpful. When subjected to logical scrutiny the premises they are built upon are questionable and they are certainly not…